Boost Your Online Business with ShopFree: The Leading Social Commerce Platform
Our Purpose
We believe in the transformative power of technology and want to change the world for the better by providing a platform to connect buyers and sellers within one community.
Our Positioning
To Internet users across the region, Shopfree offers a one-stop online shopping experience that provides a wide selection of products, a social community for exploration, and seamless fulfilment services.
To define who we are - how we talk, behave or react to any given situation - in essence, we are Simple, Happy and Together. These key attributes are visible at every step of the Shopfree journey.
We believe in simplicity and integrity, ensuring a life that’s honest, down to earth and true to self.
We are friendly, fun-loving and bursting with heaps of energy, spreading the joy with everyone we meet.
We enjoy spending quality time together while shopping online with friends and family - doing the things we love as one big unit.
Our Values